Alright, soo i have a few questions; heres some backround info before i ask..

i have my baby pacman frogs in seperate critter keepers inside of a 20 gallon with a plexiglass lid to trap humidity..i have "frog moss" throughout the 20 gallon to hold humidity as well as a large water dish in the center to give off more humidity as well ; (Note: the moss is not in the critter keepers with the frogs)..well i just changed the moss about 2-3 weeks ago and its already beginning to grow this white fuzzy looking stuff on it (which didnt start happening the previous time i had the moss in until about 2 months later)

first off, is this mold?fungus?
how can i prevent this from happening?
is this a threat to my frogs since theyre in a critter keeper away from the moss?
if i soak the moss in dechlroninated water to rinse off whatever growth is on it would it be safe to reuse?
or in your opinions should i get rid of all the moss all together?

my digital hygrometer has been reading 99% humidity and i havent even misted the enclosure for about a week cause i was going to see if the humidity would drop-but it hasnt (and ive been sure not to mist the hygrometer itself directly when i Do mist)

so im a little lost. any advice/comments/suggestions are more than welcome..thanks in advanceName:  IMG_2491.jpg
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Size:  64.3 KB <--------and heres a photo to give an idea of what the enclosure looks like