Hello, I found this toad tonight that couldn't move, and was extremely bloated. There was still some reaction from the toads eyes and throat like it is still alive; however the toad can't really move due to how bloated it is. It can however move its front legs; but one of its back legs is completely limp while the other is tight and a little harder to move like its fighting you from forcing its leg to move. Has anyone seen this before, and do yall think there is anything that can be done to save the toad? I have the toad with me at the moment in a empty tank and it is trying to move around in it. It also seems like the toad is swollen and sort of looks like the frog balloon from the movie Shrek. I say this because when you feel the back of the toad you do not feel the back bones that is normally right under their skin there. I have never seen this before and could taking a needle to make a small hole to reduce the swelling help any? I have pictures and will post them here in a few.

Edit: I was able to get the swelling to go down; but it looks like the toad is bleeding internally near the hind legs; where the pelvic bone is supposed to be. I do not think this toad will be able to be saved. It does seem like it wants to move around more now that the swelling has been reduced. Does anyone know of a good way to euthanize the toad? Thats if it comes to that... I have heard about putting them in a freezer with some numbing gel; but I have also heard some bad things with doing that.