Hey everyone! I have a pacman frog named Truffle and she's about 10 months old. Within the past month or two I've noticed her face seemed crooked; the stripe in her patterning that's meant to directly go down the center of her face goes off to one side. I thought it may just be the pattern itself, but watching her eat confirmed the top of her mouth is slightly shifted to the one side. Strangely enough, her bottom jaw is completely centered.

My main concern is that she didn't show signs of deformation for most of her life until this point, which makes me believe this is something I may have caused. She is fed primarily earthworms and occasionally crickets. I dust with calcium with D3 a few times a week and try to dust with a multivitamin once a week, though if she's brewing a poop or on the verge of shedding, she sometimes doesn't want to eat or eats less. I also tong feed her with bamboo tongs, which she has wrestled with on more than one occasion.

Any ideas for the cause of her mouth shift? I did pull back on the calcium with D3 because she was reaching her adult size and I thought they needed less in adulthood, maybe that was the cause? Or is it possible for genetic abnormalities to appear later on in life? I know there's nothing I can do about it now, but it would be nice to get some insight so, if I do get another horned frog in the future, I won't mess up again.

Here's pictures of Truffle at 3 months, 6 months, and earlier this month (9-10 months). The first two images show her nose looking straight, but you can see in her latest pic that the front stripe goes to the left.