Hi - new to the forum looking for advice!

We have a WC toad - not sure if it's American or Fowler's. My boys found it in the driveway over the summer. He was maybe the size of a quarter then. He's never been a particularly "high energy" creature - he eats mealworms and never showed any interest in anything that moved faster. I do dust them. The last two months or so his aim has deteriorated to comedic levels. He's basically alerting on them and then nodding at them. I don't think it's short tongue syndrome because he's not within range of even hitting the worms with his tongue. He tries a couple times and then gives up. No interest in eating them off tongs. I've been force feeding him every couple of days. I've seen conflicting info on hibernation and I'm not sure if he's trying that. He has a cave which he doesn't use. He doesn't burrow a whole lot, more like firmly nestles into the substrate (the coconut husk stuff). He does go into the water and I have seen poop.

Would love any thoughts.