Hello all! So I've always wanted a pacman frog and I finally got one about a week and a half ago! Of course the people at PetSmart knew next to nothing and what they did tell me was obvious that they just wanted to sound like they had a clue. I read a little on the internet and I think what Gilbert is doing is normal, but just want to be sure.
First of all, I have no idea how old he is but I'm guessing he's a young adult. He's about 2 1/2" wide and maybe slightly longer. I feed him every other day, 2-4 crickets. Fresh water always and I spray the coconut fiber multiple times a day. At first we had a heat pad under the tank, by advisement of PetSmart, but 3 days ago switched to a red bulb light during the day. His humidity stays around 70%, temp 82F during the day and 70F at night.
So 3 days ago when I switched him to a heat bulb I also put in fresh cocofiber. Once I finished I put him back in his tank and left him alone. A few hrs later I fed him and he looked like he was fine- just sitting around being fat and happy :-) Late that night, 3 days ago, he buried himself all the way down. I couldn't find him! So I lifted the tank and there was the white blob on the glass! I wasn't worried at first but it's been 3 days and he hasn't moved even an inch! Did I stress him out by upgrading his tank? Is he too hot, or too cold at night? Does it sound like I've done anything at all to cause this? I miss Gilbert and would love to see him, but don't want to dig him up just for my own pleasure! Should I leave him be and assume he is A-Okay? Any ideas/thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

thanks !!