So I posted an earlier thread about one of my cute new froglets, unfortunately he passed away. He seemed to somewhat have trouble eating, he wasn't very good at catching his food, but I saw a couple of droppings so I thought he was ok, then out of nowhere he died and was all shriveled up.

Next tadpoles a few tadpoles transitioned together and were doing great. Then I find another one dead and dried out. Flash forward to today and I find yet another one dried out, but this one was so horribly shriveled it didn't look like a frog. It looked like a larger poo at first but then I saw it's tiny little legs all shriveled, when just the night before he looked perfectly fine. Then my boyfriend said it didn't seem like they were eating as much as the other three who have already fattened up.

The other three are still doing great, I'm just worried out of my mind that another one won't make it.

I'm keeping them in a large critter keeper with a wet paper towel on the bottom, a small shallow water dish (with dechlorinated water) a few plastic plants and a log for them to hide under. I mist them at least 2 times a day, but the ones that survived have been hanging out in the water dish a lot. I keep them at room temp which is low to mid 70s and they have plenty of ventilation so it doesn't get too humid.

Has anyone had this happen before?