I know there are tons of topics already with many people requesting advice on what would be the best first PDF. Well this topic is basically the same with a few more specifics I need. I'll be constructing my own viv but I need some help on size requirements and what kind of PDF I should be looking for. This build will be for my office area which is often open so the vivarium will need to be quiet in respect for others. The sound of a running waterfall will have to be the loudest part of this build which means NO loud frog calls. Speaking of frog calls...does anyone have a link for me to listen to different species calls to compare the loudness.

Specific Goals in mind:
  • Hardy species
  • Quiet calls
  • Able to go 2-4 days without food other than established springtails and isopods in the cage (tropical springtails and dwarf white isopods is what I had in mind to have inside the tank)
  • Arboreal or Terrestrial species (unsure) - I love arboreal snakes so an arboreal PDF would be cool but not necessary.
  • I can fit a viv that is up to 36"L x 20"D x 24-36"H - My initial thought was get a 20G or 29G high aquarium.
  • I would like to fit as many frogs as I can within that foot print or volume of space. I know it depends on species but how much space do I need for the species you would recommend. Please include that.
  • Not interested in breeding but if it does happen...what the heck do I do with them!?!?

From all the research I've done, I'm looking at Tincs as my main choice. They seem easy and they are beautiful with a bunch of different morphs. I like that they can get larger which seems to me that I have greater freedom to offer a variety of prey items.

Thank you in advance to everyone that will take the time to read this and think about it. I sincerely appreciate your responses and I plan on taking many progression photos on this new venture.