I've been thinking about building a densely planted tank for a while now and I had an exo-terra tank standing in my greenhouse doing nothing at all...so thought I'ld give it a shot.
I'll post some pictures now and then showing progress as I'm not very satisfied how it looks right now...I'm waiting to bring in some more liana's where I can put some Neoregelia's on.
Maybe I should place some fernplates against the sideglass to.

Dimensions are: 60cm high 60cm width and 45cm deep.

My major interest in flora are ferns, so I used some of them.

Ferns used:

- Cheilanthes pilosa
- Hemionitis palmata
- Microgramma lycopodioides
- Pyrrosia lanceolata
- Pyrrosia nummulariifolia

The backside is fernplate with some Vesicularia dubyana (Javamoss)

I have Neoregelia lilliputiana, Neoregelia ampullacea, Begonia schultzei waiting to be put in.


(apparently imageshack flips vertical pictures back horizontaly...you guys will have to turn your heads a bit )