Firebelly toads do perfectly fine in normal room temps. If your house is below 68 degrees then I might consider additional heating but it would depend on how your tank is designed. Firebellies like water and a tank setup of 60-40 water to land ratio is what a lot of people use. If you have a water section that is 2-3 inches deep Tetrafauna make an aquatic heater that is designed for turtles and frogs with a cover over it so the frog can't get burned when they touch it. That will heat the water which is usually where they spend most of their time. But like I said unless your house is especially cold like in some places like Arkansasyou usually don't need additional heating for firebellies. Those little guys are pretty durable. Just be careful of any mosses or small pebbles the frogs could accidentally ingest. They can be crazy eaters. A heatmat is not needed with firebellies. Your normal light fixture should warm up the tank enough so that you wont need additional heating. Get a thermometer for the water to find out what that temp is.