Okay...im getting my 1st ever pacman frog tomorrow afternoon and I have been watching some youtube videos on care for pacman frogs.
They really dont go into to much detail about them. Honestly its like a bunch of mumbling.
So I searched for a forum and here I am. What are some of the biggest and most important things that I must take into consideration.
For example,
Which bedding should I use?
How often should I feed them?
Best way to keep the terrarium humidity up?
Live plants or fake plants?
and whatever else you can tell me!!!
You should use eco earth or topsoil and what i use a lit bit of moss on the side where the waterdish is try to make it comfortabe as possible and plants and moss brings up the humidity in the tank i use a dome for heating i think it better once you get him or her dont try to feed it right a way beause it may get stressed out so wait a day or two and show some pics and hope you enjoy yours i love my 5 adults and if you are getting baby you should try to feed it everyday or every other day you should try different types of foods like mealies and superworms and crickets once he is a lit bit bigger you could try a pinkie have fun with him.
I have 3 pacman frogs a ornate agreen argentine with out spots all green ,and a fantacy.Theyallstill have awsome color even the AGF,the ornate is red/yellow,the FF is allgreen with a red trim ,I got they from the Hamburg show wich i picked them out the way i like them,So ihave them is plastic bins with holes all around and this way it hold humidity and i dont have to spray them and i have 40/40/20 topsoil/ecoearth/playsand ,and they eat earth worms and dubia roaches and they grew like wild fire and i dust the food with calcium/vitamins with d3 cause i use no lights.My room is 77 degreesand 75% humidity and they are great good luck they are very easy this way. the best part is feeding time.
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