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Thread: Western Toad update.

  1. #1

    Default Western Toad update.

    So, I have had Enoch for almost 2 months now and took some recent pictures to see if there has been any growth-besides width! It does look like he or she is bigger, but I honestly expected more size increase considering the daily feedings. Do toadlets normally take so long to grow, or is Enoch not getting something needed? Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated. (The first photo was from August; next two were taken today)
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  3. #2

    Default Re: Western Toad update.

    It does seem like he should have grown more than that in two months, but I wouldn't worry much about it as long as he keeps growing and has a good appetite. BTW I like that nice green color.

  4. #3
    Paul Rust

    Default Re: Western Toad update.

    Jo, look at the two pictures with the coin a bit more objectively. He has grown quite a lot and about what I would expect. He does look very healthy.

  5. #4

    Default Re: Western Toad update.

    Judging by his color, looks like you have the Boreal subspecies. I used to keep (and produce) the other subspecies Halophilus. How long have you had this little guy?

  6. #5

    Default Re: Western Toad update.

    Okay. I just read on the Forum from other threads that toads in general usually have fairly rapid growth spurts so I was expecting bigger, sooner. But he eats whatever is dropped into his home, is active, likes to skinny dip, and is nicely plump.

    Thanks, Seth. Most pictures I have seen of Western Toads show them to be mostly brown, so I have quite the colouring on Enoch. I hope he keeps the different shades the older he gets.

  7. #6

    Default Re: Western Toad update.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin1 View Post
    Judging by his color, looks like you have the Boreal subspecies. I used to keep (and produce) the other subspecies Halophilus. How long have you had this little guy?
    Sorry, Kevin, but what do you mean by Boreal subspecies? And how would you be able to tell? I have had Enoch since August 27. No idea whether it is a boy or a girl, but with a name like Enoch, I naturally just call it a he. Does he look healthy and growing to you? Thanks for any info.

  8. #7

    Default Re: Western Toad update.

    The western toad comes in two subspecies. Bufo Boreas Boreas and Bufo Boreas Halophilus.The B.b. Halophilus ranges mostly in california and parts of nevada. While B. b. Boreas ranges in california and farther north. The California toad(B.b.h.) has more red to it than the Boreal toad(B.b.b.) particularly on the "warts". From my experience in raising hundreds of these guys, I'd say your frog seems a bit small to me. Like Seth said though as long as he's eating and growing he should be ok. He's looks healthy for what it's worth. Do you give him supplements?(calcium vitamins)

    Here's a pic of 2 breeding pairs and some eggs of the other subspecies. enjoy

  9. #8

    Default Re: Western Toad update.

    Thanks, Kevin. Enoch gets fed every day with a 2 days in a row calcium dusting followed by 1 day vitamin dusting. He gets 4-5 crickets per feeding, each dusted with one or the other, depending on the day. He was being fed on pinheads, but he has since graduated to 1-2 weeks, depending on size. He used to hide in his rock cave all the time, but the last couple of weeks, he has been out in the open, hunting crickets and soaking in his indoor tub.

  10. #9
    Greg M

    Default Re: Western Toad update.

    Hi Jo,

    Pretty little guy! It seems to me that he is doing just fine - appetite is good and he looks plump. A few things that might help. One is to feed something like waxworms or other high fat food - this was a suggestion by SethD, who commented [essentially] that they can use the calories when they are growing quickly. I think this is a good idea, and I would further add that diversity in feeders is also good idea - I have been using isopods (which are very high in calcium), dubia roach nymphs, little silkworms and butterworms. Another thing I would think about is temperature. I noted that Seth keeps his toads at a bit higher temperature than I do, and I think that may account for some of the difference in growth rate. I have encountered articles on the web looking at toad growth rate, and one conclusion was that the growth rate (both linear and weight) increased between 14 and 27 degrees Celcius (Lillywhite et al., 1973 (Ecology)). I would consider increasing your temperature to 25 - 27 degrees Celcius (about 75 - 80 degrees Farenheit) to maximize growth. Also, bear in mind that toads seem quite variable in growth rate - I have individuals who are almost twice the size of their healthy contemporaries. There is some notion that variability in growth rate has some species survival advantage...


  11. #10

    Default Re: Western Toad update.

    Thanks, Greg. That does make me feel better. I tried ordering Phoenix worms two months ago and nothing ever came in. The petstore finally got an email saying that Canada was experiencing a nation-wide shortage. I will try and find another high fat food. I can find butterworms, but they are way too big for him. I have appropriate sized mealworms, so maybe I will give him a couple of those a week to help him along. Temperature may very well have something to do with it. He is being kept at room temperature that ranges from 21-24 degrees Celcius, but I do have a heat source to use. I will play with it a bit and see if I can increase his temp by a few degrees. Should this temp be kept all day, or should I allow for a cool period at night?

    Thanks so much for everyone's suggestions. Despite lack of size, he does seem to be doing well and enjoys being pampered, I think.

  12. #11
    Greg M

    Default Re: Western Toad update.

    One quick comment. The temperature optimum that Lillywhite et al. found was for Western toads - obviously, other species would have their own specific requirements/optimums...

    In addition, when I said "pretty little guy", I meant that he was "pretty", not "pretty little". And finally, I found out today that the turn of phrase "bear in mind" uses the spelling "bear" not "bare" - apparently, "bare in mind" would suggest that you are thinking of someone naked ! Thus the edit for my post...


  13. #12

    Default Re: Western Toad update.

    Lol-no worries! Parental-like pride on my part, when you wrote "Pretty little guy" I assumed you were saying what a nice looking toad I have and not commenting on his size-or lack there of. As for the "bear" vs "bare"....well, we are a friendly Forum!! However, sticking to naked frogs and toads would be more acceptable. On that note, your advice is always helpful and welcome. Thanks again for taking the time to have a look at the pictures and give your opinion. You and Seth are my go-to toad guys!

  14. #13
    Greg M

    Default Re: Western Toad update.

    Glad to be of help, but I am merely a student - Seth is the master...

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