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Thread: When do toads start to hibernate

  1. #1

    Default When do toads start to hibernate

    I still am seeing a few toads here and there at night. I live in the midwest. I have an american toad that I was fatting up to release before hibernation. Any idea on when I should send him off? When do toads/frogs start hibernating? End sept early oct?

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  3. #2
    Founder John's Avatar
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    Default Re: When do toads start to hibernate

    I'm not familiar with your climate conditions. Toads are often active up to and past the first frosts.
    Founder of (2008) and (2001)

  4. This member thanks John for this post:

  5. #3

    Default Re: When do toads start to hibernate

    Almost bugs go , toads go?

  6. #4

    Default Re: When do toads start to hibernate

    As the days get shorter and the temperatures especially at night drop, my California toads have gone from being diurnal to being nocturnal, and are in general less active than they were this summer, staying buried most of the time. They still do feed, so I keep a supply of crickets, slugs, and sow bugs for them. I expect as the season moves into fall that by November they will be officially hibernating.

  7. This member thanks Greatballzofire for this post:

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