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Thread: How much and how often to feed my young WTF

  1. #1

    Question How much and how often to feed my young WTF

    Hello All,

    This is my first post to and I'm also new to frogs. I have a question about feeding my new WTF. I've looked all over the net and it seems that everyone has a different opinion on how much to feed them. These are pictures I just took of Dumper (couldn't come up with a creative name) I don't know how old he is, but he's just over 2".

    I have been feeding him 2 or 3 gut loaded medium sized crickets a night and wonder if that is too much or too little? He is very active and seems to be searching for food all night.... he's all over his aquaruim climbing and jumping and attacking anything that he sees move. He even tried to attack my cell phone on the table next to him but he just smashed his nose into the glass. I just want to be sure I am feeding him correctly. I offered him a superworm but he shyed away from it.

    Does he look too obese for his size?


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  3. #2
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    Default Re: How much and how often to feed my young WTF

    That's a good number and young frogs should be fed regularly. You only really need to think about obesity when the frog is closer to adult size, and then it can usually be dealt with by feeding the right foods.

    PS: Welcome to the forum.
    Founder of (2008) and (2001)

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