Hey, been out of the game for over 5 years. I had 3 RETF/RELF. Took a trip to Ireland in the winter of 2017 for over a month and had a family member take care of the pets while we were away. Due to some unfortunate events that family member was not able to care for them himself and shirked it off to another friend without telling me and they did not keep them hydrated during the dry cold winter in Ohio. It was heartbreaking. Shortly after we found out we were having another kid and knew we would need to move around, then the pandemic and a whole bunch of other stuff happened.

Now my kids are older and I'm fairly certain we won't be moving for some time, I'm ready to start getting back into it. I would like to get the viv's up and going and will be back with some ideas, wanting to put in a water filtration system, a way to have water going for a while that won't run out for a while.

Anyways, glad to be back and looking forward to getting some frogs again. Hopefully can get around to at least one successful breeding in the future. I have achieved amplexus in the past but never long enough for anything to come from it. Hopefully we can make something happen.