I just got a baby Pixie frog on Saturday and...like....when I say baby I mean BABY! He is about the size of a quarter and weighs 2.5 grams and is so stinking cute! I am having a hard time finding information on how much to feed a baby that tiny though and kind of having a hard time finding information on care for a baby that tiny in general too. He is eating mealworms (maimed mealworms), but doesn`t seem interested in dubia roaches which is my preferred feeder for my beardie and tarantulas. I have been feeding him in the morning and at night, usually one or two feeder items. I HATE crickets with a passion and so would rather avoid them. I did try to find some black soldier fly larva but no stores in my area have any so I will be ordering them online as I feel those would be perfect.
Please be gentle. I did my research before getting him, but most of the juvenile pixie frogs I am seeing care information on seem much bigger and I am not seeing much for how much to feed them aside from they eat everything. He does seem to be thriving though. Very active little guy and has lots of attitude!