I've had my pacman frog since January of this year, and I have him on a feeding schedule of 6 crickets every other day. He is a juvenile. A week ago today, I put him in a clean tupperware container to soak in warm, dechlorinated water, while he was soaking I cleaned his tank, gave him fresh substrate, and also added spagnum moss for the first time. He pooped the next morning. Ever since, he has been eating 1-2 crickets, and doesn't actually bite them, but sort of opens his mouth, and lets me put the cricket in. Is he stressed or something? He has never eaten this little before. I also got him a nighttime bulb the same day, so he's had that every night, which is a change. He's shown no other signs of stress, no pale colors or discoloration, he's actually been very vibrant recently.

10 gallon tank, coco fiber substrate with spagnum moss layer on half the tank, daylight heating is 75-80, nighttime heating is 70-75. Humidity stays between 60 and 80.