I just got my pacman frog, Gerard, about 3 weeks ago. He's 6 months old, almost 7, and when I brought him home for the first time, I fed him just fine. I've been feeding him 2 medium sized crickets in the evening every monday, wednesday, and friday, up until this last friday. I fed him last wednesday. Until then, I haven't seen him since. His usual pattern is that he'll burrow under the dirt throughout the day and come out at around 8-9 PM, but he hasn't come up since wednesday. I'm really worried about him, and I'm not sure what to do. I don't know how often pacman frogs shed since this is my first one, and I would really love some help. I've been pondering about whether or not to drop a cricket in his tank to let him find it, or dig him up. I also don't know how long he can go without eating. I might be overreacting but I'm really worried about him.