Hey! So I recently was "gifted" 4 Odorrana livida (or at least, the frogs are labeled as this species, who knows...). I placed them on quarantaine and will check their poop for parasites several times. Quarantaine is going to last 6 months, as I always do with frogs, that I am not sure of. The specimens are told to be LTC (probably not really long term captive, but well, they are a gift, that I could not refuse, so...). They live in two tanks (grouped them in pairs, as one pair is much smaller than the other one and I wanted to avoid them cannibalising!), they are currently on paper towel. That is only temporary, since I need to collect droppings for my vet to check. In some time they will be given 80x40x50 cm bioactive tank.

What I read about them is not much to be honest. If I am correct, this species likes cold and humid places and running water... anyway, any of you people had any luck with this species care and breeding? I am really curious. Would post photos, but I cant get how to do that on this forum