The vivarium is 45x45x30(height)cm, the entire base of the viv is filled with 1 inch of water (used to be 1.5) with multiple land masses and gradients to get in and out of the water (they have plenty of land) and some aquatic plants that they can sit on and multiple hiding places on both land and water.
The female is about 4 years old and has been alone for the last 3 year, yesterday i added 3 young 7 month toads with her (after quarantine and waiting for them to grow a little) she acts fine around them (apart from when in amplexus).
One of the young ones are male and is constantly squeaking (like 90% of the time....) and he goes into amplexus fairly often in the water on any of the other toads, his siblings are fine with it and seem fine after escaping and perfectly normal. However my adult female seems to go completley out of it. She goes essentially limp in the water and will even turn over onto her back in a semi limp state. This morning i caught him at it and when i seperated them and picked her up she was almost fully limp she also while upside down will use her forlimb to scratch (?) her nether region (rare), but as soon as i put her onto land she was fine and even sprung off - this has happened 2 times. As long as she wasn't just in amplexus she is acting completley normal- still eats and hangs around in her prefered areas.
I have lowered water depth by 0.5 of an inch so she isnt being pushed under as deep. Is there a reason why she flips in the water and goes limp and is there a fix for this? I would rather not seperate them but i would if i have to. I would also like to raise the water depth again so they can all float around.
in the images the male is in a bad amplexus position with the adult female (he fixes this soon after) and the other image is of her upside limp.
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