I've had 2 ADFs in a 10 gallon with 3 guppies, 2 platies and 2 cory cats for a about 2 weeks now and everything has been fine until today. I checked on them this morning like usual and the smaller ADF was on his back. I thought he was dead but when I went to scoop him out he flipped over and tried to get away but was very slow doing it. His back right leg seemed to not be working. I've been keeping and eye on him for the past 6 hrs especially since I had an ammonia spike of 2ppm. I did a 50% water change and every time I've caught him on his back I flipped him over but he still wouldn't move much. Put some bloodworms right in front of both frogs and he wouldn't touch them. I noticed one of the Platies biting at him (which they've never shown any interest in the frogs before) and when I checked he gone. I've noticed white spots on the other frogs knees that weren't there yesterday. He's acting perfectly normal other than the white spots. Any idea what it could be? Any help is appreciated.