Hello, I’m looking for help understanding what might have happened to our pair of Leopard frogs. We raised them from tadpoles (the take home prize of a 1st grade science project) and they appeared to be thriving for about 6 months. We had two in a mixed land/water tank, about 25 gallons, with filtered water and live plants. We used a mix of reptile bark and orchid mix for the land area.

They were eating well, mostly a diet of crickets and mealworms, but suddenly one then the other disappeared. This coincided with the arrival of winter about 6 weeks ago. However, from what I’ve read, the temperatures inside our house are nowhere near temperatures that would trigger different behavior. We keep the house at 58-60 even when we are not there, and most of the time it cycles between 60-68 during the workday.

I suppose its possible that the frogs crawled off to a hidden corner and perished, but I’m pretty sure we would have seen that happen.

Possible they have burrowed into the substrate and hidden away for some reason?

Thanks for any help!