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Thread: Baby African Bullfrog Pooping Problem!! Help!

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Exclamation Baby African Bullfrog Pooping Problem!! Help!

    I got a baby giant african bullfrog on June 14, 2017. It has been fine and eating UNTIL yesterday when I noticed it had a strand of poo from its butt. I didn't think much of it, until today when I woke up and it was still there. I took my tweezers and carefully tried to help pull it out really really slowly, and it wouldn't budge. It did come out a little and a big glob of poo hung out. I don't think the frog has a ruptured cloaca or whatever you call it. It is skinny on one side of its body and the other side has a bulge, and I don't know whats happening. I thought I was doing everything correctly. I researched this frog for maybe a month before getting it, and I already have problems with it.

    VVV I'll list details below VVV

    Temperature: usually 75-79 (F)

    Humidity: usually 72-88, but has dropped to 65 before

    Food: Small crickets, powdered some with calcium (crickets are 1/3 of an inch)

    Water: 100% Natural Spring Water

    Heating/Lighting: one UVB, one 5 watt night light heating bulb (for night obviously), one 5 watt heating pad on the side of the tank (for daytime)

    Space/Tank: 10 gallon tank

    Frog Type: African Bullfrog/Pixie Frog (size of 2 quarters maybe)

    Plants/Pools/Etc: one pool that is pretty big. I'd say when the frog is in it, he covers 1/5 of the pool. One fake plant.

    Bedding/Dirt: Fake moss matt (haven't had a problem with it at all. I've seen breeders use one and use this black foam stuff for bedding)

    as I stated above, the frog has a long strand of poo hanging from his bum hole and it's stuck. Please help me figure this out, I don't want to lose a brand new pet I just got 4 days ago.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
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    Port Saint Lucie, FL

    Default Re: Baby African Bullfrog Pooping Problem!! Help!

    Please post pictures?

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