As you may know, I did post in concern of my Green Pacman Frog's legs. He does not seem to be shedding or anything like that. I also have seen that he no longer will make a little hole to sit in. Instead, he sits on top of the soil. He also does not eat. It has probably been 4-5 days since the last time he ate something. I put 10 crickets in his enclosure, 4 drowned in his water dish, and one just kind of died, so I added more into the enclosure. Right now there are about 7 crickets in his enclosure. He wont eat them. I've also offered live meal worms, but, he pays no attention to them. I was feeding him dried meal worms and basically force feeding him by putting them on his mouth and waiting like 30 seconds, but he'd only eat 1-2, sometimes he wouldn't even eat. I did that every 2-3 days at a time. I am very worried and I really need help with this. I will try to post a picture of his legs (if it lets me). He's also spread his leg straight backwards, opened his mouth, closed his eyes, and made a clicking noise maybe 3 times (He did this one time), and since then, his legs have been all goofed up. I need help, I'm not sure if this is a disease or he broke something, or if it's normal and I should do nothing about it.