Hey guys, I had just recently picked up a budgett frog that my local pet store had for sale after researching them for a few months. My question is if anyone here has had any success keeping them and what they use for a filter. He's in a temporary setup right now consisting of a hide and a fake plant in an old 10 gallon tank i had with roughly 5 inches of water and a small sponge filter. It's all working and he seems quite active and eager to feed at all times but this filter feels like it's doing absolutely nothing for the tank. I had let the tank cycle for 2 weeks using some of the media from my painted turtle's tank but his water clouds up about 2 days after a change even with the filter. I've read that people use tetra whisper series filters due to the fact they can operate with very little water but I've also read that these little guys are pretty sensitive to vibrations and I figure a constant waterfall would make him unhappy. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.