I bought my pacman frog in the winter, and at the time my room temperature was drastically low (probably anywhere from 63-70 degrees most of the time). I have a heat lamp that I use and I would cover the other half of the tank with tin foil to keep the heat in. It was working for a really long time during the winter, but just a few days ago temperatures in my area have upped quite a bit and my frog hasn't eaten in 2 days (I know they can go weeks without eating but mine is still around a year old and usually consumes 1-2 semi small crickets a day). I was wondering if it might be because the temperature in the tank might be too high actually. I had an old thermometer laying around and it said the temperature in my room was actually around 78-79. I'm not entirely sure how accurate that is but I'm now wondering if I should even be using the heat lamp at night now. I'm currently putting the heat lamp on the other side of the tank where her water bowl is because she almost never goes to that side of the tank and I'm putting tinfoil over the area she is.

Also, off topic but I've noticed that sometimes my frog goes through these periods where she doesn't want to eat and I can always tell beforehand because her pupils will be very small. Usually when I go to feed her at night her pupils are huge and her red eyes are showing but sometimes they'll be very small and she won't eat when here eyes are like this. Anyone know why that might be? Pretty sure she isn't sleeping when she's like this because she'll still move around sometimes.