So, I have my WTF in mating mood, rain system all set up, a lot of wines and big leafed plants to climb and a lot of hiding places. My paludarium is about 130 gallons, and now the humidity is usually higher due to rain. There are six WTF in this enclosure at the moment, two of them are juveniles.The temperature will rise up to 28 degrees celsius.

I'm still kinda flabbergasted from what has happened.

I have a lot of wines and roots in the water so that no frog can ever drown, I also have big leaved plants just so they can hold on to things. My frogs also know the tank very well and know where they can get in and out easily. I've seen them hundreds of times sitting in water and croaking like hell.

So this morning, one of my females drops into the water,(Which isn't unusual, they usually come and sit onto the brim, because you know treats.) and swims around like crazy. She likes to swim from root to root, so I thought nothing of it. All of a sudden she starts to scream and panic, I quickly grab her but she already started to stiffen up and secrete white slimy fluid. (She didn't stiffen because I touched her.) I also do not understand what could've startled her. From her behavior, I would say she was just really confused and didn't know where she was.
I'm going to take her to a vet, just to see if she's alright.

Don't get me wrong, I know frogs can go into full panic mode when attacked or in danger.

But I've never ever heard of a WTF doing anything like it. I've also never read about it. I haven't heard of a WTF playing dead.

Does anyone of you share similar experiences?

She's fine now, returned back to her modus operandi. But what the hell. She must've been under extreme stress and is now very exhausted. I'm just going to leave her alone for now.

P.s. I just called a tropical vet, and he asked me about her eyes, one of which was diluted a lot more. He said it could've been a mild seizure, also judging from her age. She's at least 12 years old. I'm kinda worried it could be a sign of early onset of disease.