Hi! I have recently got 3 FBTs and I love them to death. I got Boogey and Vader a little over 2 months ago and just got a new addition to my Fire belly Family today (That's the name of their tank, the "Fire Belly Family").

1) I know for certain that Boogey is a male, he mounts Vader and 'Barks' all the time. I don'r, however, kknow about Vader and No Name (the new FBT). I have never heard or seen Vader 'bark' but he does do the unmounting sound when Boogey mounts him, a low warble sound with vibrations. No Name, I have never heard bark either, but does the same unmounting sound as Vader. I don't know if this is enough info but I really want to know if I have a female. I really want a female.

2) Since I just got a new frog (and the last one for now since I only have a 10 gallon) I want to create an island in the center of the tank and have water around it. Can i use a filter for the water around it? I really hope it is safe to use. If it is, I am worried that my frogs will get inside of it or climb up it.

3) Boogey and No Name, like to climb to the very top of the tank and hang out in the corners, is this weird? Is there something wrong with my water? Should I have more plants in there? I am also worried that these same trouble=makers would be the ones to get stuck in the filter.