I have had a few threads on here about all the stuff I'm thinking of using for this. I have decided to just use a regular 75 gallon (since Amazon raised the price about $250 for the previous enclosure I was going to get) for a western PA style Vivarium for a pair of American Toads and
Northern Leopard Frogs. I will be posting to this thread as more begins to unfold. As for now, I just purchased the zoo med 100 watt ceramic heater. I'm hoping this will provide a warm side to the tank and leave a cooler side as well. I am also hoping that this will be the primary, if not only heat source that can be used over the winter. I am basically sold on the plants to use for this. Dragon's Tail Ferns, Bamboo, Myrtle (periwinkle) Ribbon Grass, Duckweed, Leaf Litter, and Moss. I will be using 48" T5 Quad High Output Light Fixture with Timer for lighting. I'm not sure what I want to do for a water feature. Open for Suggestions. I also hope to breed them. It's not my first intention but, with the ideal setup I am really hoping for it. The humidity will be kept in check by my Monsoon RS400 misting system, which I will be getting the extender so the enclosure gets double the misting. I'm also looking into the Reptifogger as a secondary for humidity. (It looks cool in my WTF setup)
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Looking forward to seeing what you do with that size tank. Just out of curiosity, what species of bamboo are you going with? There are very few species that will grow small enough to keep in a Viv.
Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world ~ Nelson Mandela
1.0.0 Oophaga Pumilio 'Black Jeans'
0.0.10 Phyllobates Vittatus
0.0.3 Phyllobates Terribilis 'Mint'
0.0.3 Dendrobates Tinctorius 'Patricia'
0.0.5 Dendrobates Leucomelas
0.0.2 Dendrobates Tinctorius 'Powder Blue'
0.0.2 Ranitomeya Variabilis 'southern'
0.0.3 Epipedobates Anthonyi 'zarayunga'
1.2.0 Phyllobates bicolor
0.0.3 Dendrobates tinctorius 'azureus'
0.0.1 Avicularia Avicularia
0.0.1 Gramastola porteri
0.2.0 Canines
1.0.0 Tabby/Maine Coon Mix
2.1.0 Genetics Experiments
0.1.0 Bed Bully
Not 100% on the bamboo, I got some at a local lowes and really liked it. If you have suggestions on bamboo that is more local (because I'm guessing it is tropical at lowes) i would greatly appreciate it. I have had the bamboo 6 months and it hasn't grown much.
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Last edited by Larry Wardog; April 4th, 2015 at 12:44 PM.
Ah, I think we may have our signals crossed, so to speak. I think you are talking about "lucky bamboo". It's not really bamboo, but a species of dracaena. We don't have any native bamboo species in our neck of the woods.
Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world ~ Nelson Mandela
1.0.0 Oophaga Pumilio 'Black Jeans'
0.0.10 Phyllobates Vittatus
0.0.3 Phyllobates Terribilis 'Mint'
0.0.3 Dendrobates Tinctorius 'Patricia'
0.0.5 Dendrobates Leucomelas
0.0.2 Dendrobates Tinctorius 'Powder Blue'
0.0.2 Ranitomeya Variabilis 'southern'
0.0.3 Epipedobates Anthonyi 'zarayunga'
1.2.0 Phyllobates bicolor
0.0.3 Dendrobates tinctorius 'azureus'
0.0.1 Avicularia Avicularia
0.0.1 Gramastola porteri
0.2.0 Canines
1.0.0 Tabby/Maine Coon Mix
2.1.0 Genetics Experiments
0.1.0 Bed Bully
That's what it is haha, it looks nice and is still small, I think I may have to rethink about the "lucky bamboo"
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Just caught the male toad that will go in this build. He is a little guy but is mature enough to mate (pictures soon), I have decided to name him King II for homage to a previous toad years ago that I caught and let go. Also got the stand and the ceramic heater. More details on that soon, anyways, this week I will buy hygrometers and thermometers, the bedding (Eco Earth), some zoo med logs, and possibly one of the plants. I'll be sure to give updates when I advance more on this.
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This is awsome! Cant wait to see!
I just bought 18 bricks of Eco Earth for $21, the extra suction cups, tubing, misters, and extender as well. So there will be 4 sprayers going at once. I figured out how I'm going to have their environment, like what "weather" if you will, they will experience. It goes as follows:
Exo Terra Fogger
2 Hours in morning
T5 Fans on 30 Minutes in morning (same time as Fogger)
T5 Lights on
9-12 Hours during day
Ceramic Heat Emitter on
9-12 Hours during day
Ceramic Heat Emitter on
8-10 Hours at night
Monsoon RS400 Mister on
10-20 minutes at night
LED lights on
2-3 Hours at night
I will post all the stuff so far including the Stand, Myrtle, and Toad when I have the things I just ordered as well.
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Wow. 2 hours of fog and 10-20 minutes on the mister? I see a LOT of draining and refilling in your future.
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1.0.0 Oophaga Pumilio 'Black Jeans'
0.0.10 Phyllobates Vittatus
0.0.3 Phyllobates Terribilis 'Mint'
0.0.3 Dendrobates Tinctorius 'Patricia'
0.0.5 Dendrobates Leucomelas
0.0.2 Dendrobates Tinctorius 'Powder Blue'
0.0.2 Ranitomeya Variabilis 'southern'
0.0.3 Epipedobates Anthonyi 'zarayunga'
1.2.0 Phyllobates bicolor
0.0.3 Dendrobates tinctorius 'azureus'
0.0.1 Avicularia Avicularia
0.0.1 Gramastola porteri
0.2.0 Canines
1.0.0 Tabby/Maine Coon Mix
2.1.0 Genetics Experiments
0.1.0 Bed Bully
Hahaha maybe I will adjust it to around 5-15 minutes to mist. It's supposed to keep it humid most of the night. The fog shouldn't do to much but make things slightly damp. I will be using sand and a bit of large river rocks as a drainage layer so I should be ok. Like I said I'm spit balling ideas to see what responses come back. It starts out as a good thought and gets a little help then becomes a great idea. I am okay with draining the water as long as I can stop it before it reaches my substrate. So I will have to play around and see what will work and why they like. I have some interesting news on the Leopard Frog and American Toad who have been living together since January. When I came into my room I saw them sitting right next to each other. My mom said they were sitting in the same spot I found them for a while. I'm not a guy who gets choked up easily but, the way they were sitting next to each other made me feel great inside because they are very close. They like each other's presence. I managed to get some photos of them. Not the best but you'll get the point
Spot (Leopard Frog) is hard to see because he is green. But keep your eyes peeled. Can't wait to get this project into high gear for these guys.
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I managed to get a few pics of the new Toad King II
He is starting to get used to captivity. I also got some snapshots of everything but the stand and the plants.
I will be getting the Sand, River Rock, & Topsoil this week. Possibly other supplies as well. I'll make sure to update when I have all the details.
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He's a handsome little devil!!!
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1.0.0 Oophaga Pumilio 'Black Jeans'
0.0.10 Phyllobates Vittatus
0.0.3 Phyllobates Terribilis 'Mint'
0.0.3 Dendrobates Tinctorius 'Patricia'
0.0.5 Dendrobates Leucomelas
0.0.2 Dendrobates Tinctorius 'Powder Blue'
0.0.2 Ranitomeya Variabilis 'southern'
0.0.3 Epipedobates Anthonyi 'zarayunga'
1.2.0 Phyllobates bicolor
0.0.3 Dendrobates tinctorius 'azureus'
0.0.1 Avicularia Avicularia
0.0.1 Gramastola porteri
0.2.0 Canines
1.0.0 Tabby/Maine Coon Mix
2.1.0 Genetics Experiments
0.1.0 Bed Bully
He is the only Toad I know that screams when he catches a cricket. He makes the noise like he is being disturbed and he then eats it. I think my other toad has become bored or she is full because she wouldn't take any food for the first time ever and I noticed her sleeping with her eyes closed. I was concerned she was sick or something. When I took her out to hop around she was very curious trying to climb the toilet and air conditioner. She was very aware and fast. I'm going to change everyone's habitat today so hopefully that will help. The WTF's and Leopard Frog are doing fantastic.
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A few plants already down and ready for the build.a piece of a North Carolina Canna Plant (which got attacked by something the other night) and some Myrtle from where I work. Also
Duckweed will be one of the few water plants. Along with this "Clover" which is actually a fern. I'm thinking of using it. Opinions of this plant and how it will do are welcomed
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A few notes about the plants. The myrtle (vinca minor) will do fine. When you say canna, I am assuming you mean canna lily, plant those in the yard, they grow about 6 feet. The clover is not a fern, but marsilea quadrifolia "fake 4 leaf clover". The duckweed, is not duckweed, but azolla caroliniana, a fernboth of those will do well in your tank.
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1.0.0 Oophaga Pumilio 'Black Jeans'
0.0.10 Phyllobates Vittatus
0.0.3 Phyllobates Terribilis 'Mint'
0.0.3 Dendrobates Tinctorius 'Patricia'
0.0.5 Dendrobates Leucomelas
0.0.2 Dendrobates Tinctorius 'Powder Blue'
0.0.2 Ranitomeya Variabilis 'southern'
0.0.3 Epipedobates Anthonyi 'zarayunga'
1.2.0 Phyllobates bicolor
0.0.3 Dendrobates tinctorius 'azureus'
0.0.1 Avicularia Avicularia
0.0.1 Gramastola porteri
0.2.0 Canines
1.0.0 Tabby/Maine Coon Mix
2.1.0 Genetics Experiments
0.1.0 Bed Bully
Oh my gosh, I'm going to take some of these people to court. That is the 4th time I bought a plant that was misinforming. I'm going to get the other variety they had. The stuff that looks like actual duckweed. So the fake 4 leaf clover will do well? Good. I'm glad it will because it looks very cool. I have noticed the Myrtle a lot. Some is seeming to thrive and some pieces of it is dying. I think it's trying to adjust to the inside temps. Thanks for the info. I still have to get the ribbon grass and dragon's tail ferns. I'm hoping to have the stand put up. Then I can move things out to the hallway. More info soon
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This is true duckweed, lemna minor. Now you know why I am such a stickler for botanical names. Common names are too vague most of the time. And what one person calls duckweed, another calls it by something else. I know of about 7 different species that are called 'baby tears', how is that one for confusing? Lol
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1.0.0 Oophaga Pumilio 'Black Jeans'
0.0.10 Phyllobates Vittatus
0.0.3 Phyllobates Terribilis 'Mint'
0.0.3 Dendrobates Tinctorius 'Patricia'
0.0.5 Dendrobates Leucomelas
0.0.2 Dendrobates Tinctorius 'Powder Blue'
0.0.2 Ranitomeya Variabilis 'southern'
0.0.3 Epipedobates Anthonyi 'zarayunga'
1.2.0 Phyllobates bicolor
0.0.3 Dendrobates tinctorius 'azureus'
0.0.1 Avicularia Avicularia
0.0.1 Gramastola porteri
0.2.0 Canines
1.0.0 Tabby/Maine Coon Mix
2.1.0 Genetics Experiments
0.1.0 Bed Bully
That's the stuff I wanted! It's just the place didn't get any in. So they had the other stuff and called it duckweed. When summer comes I will get more into the scientific names and etc. It's good we have people like you who can pinpoint exactly a specific species and give real info on it. Better than an encyclopedia. Haha, but I'm going to get some of that too. Will the stuff I got now spread like duckweed?
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Duckweed grows rampant in most slow moving water areas, like ponds and lakes. Take a stroll to a local lake, equipped with a fish net. You'll get all the duckweed you want lol
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1.0.0 Oophaga Pumilio 'Black Jeans'
0.0.10 Phyllobates Vittatus
0.0.3 Phyllobates Terribilis 'Mint'
0.0.3 Dendrobates Tinctorius 'Patricia'
0.0.5 Dendrobates Leucomelas
0.0.2 Dendrobates Tinctorius 'Powder Blue'
0.0.2 Ranitomeya Variabilis 'southern'
0.0.3 Epipedobates Anthonyi 'zarayunga'
1.2.0 Phyllobates bicolor
0.0.3 Dendrobates tinctorius 'azureus'
0.0.1 Avicularia Avicularia
0.0.1 Gramastola porteri
0.2.0 Canines
1.0.0 Tabby/Maine Coon Mix
2.1.0 Genetics Experiments
0.1.0 Bed Bully
Getting close to getting the tank and lighting system. I am proud to say I'm done with the stand. Special thanks to my dad for working hard on the boards on the top and bottom.
I have more plants bought. The a Ribbon Grass. It's in this pic with the Myrtle (pay no attention to the canna plants)
more good news is the one Toad who was having trouble and didn't eat burrowed down for about 4 days and she ate tonight and seems to be recovering from the heat that plagued my room and mating season. She is starting to get better. So far 3 of the 4 animals do well together (don't have the female Leopard Frog yet until tank gets finished and started up). I will continue to give updates on progress and how animals and plants are doing. Also WTFs on other posts in the meantime.
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