First off, I want to apologize if you get this kind of post frequently on the forum, however, I could really use some help regarding an injured bullfrog my boys found. This particular little frog has been sitting on a hill near my house for 2 days, according to my boys. They just thought he was sitting there, but today they discovered his leg was wrapped up in a net used to protect new grass seed. The land used to have a large pond, but was drained last year for new construction At the base of the hill, some water still accumulates. There are quite a few frogs over there, but it's still pretty cold here.

Anyway, they cut him free and brought him home to me, and I then gently unwrapped the string around his leg and cut it free. His leg was pinched down quite a bit near the knee and there is a cut. When the boys brought him home, he appeared almost dead. He was limp and wouldn't try to jump at all. I didn't think he was going to survive at all, and it was 41 degrees outside when this happened. So I thought I'd bring him in and make him a comfortable place to pass away, but he has perked up! This is what I have done so far:

*Placed 2 rocks and a small plant into a medium plastic tote with dechlorinated water in the bottom, laid him limp on the rocks.
*Gently ran some water over him to get his skin moist.
*Applied very very diluted (in olive oil) essential oils to his wound but then read this is not good for frogs, so I washed him off with dechlorinated water and changed out his tank water.
*After 15 mins in the tank, he sat up.
*Provided live crickets (only 2 are in there).
*Placed him in the sun for half an hour until he moved to the shaded area, then I put the tank back on the kitchen counter.

Here is how he is acting:

*Isn't eating.
*Won't jump or go into the water, but moves slowly from the rocks to the plant.
*He is currently sitting up in the tank sleeping. He's been in there for about 6 hours and this is the first time he's slept.
*He lets the crickets walk on him, including his face and mouth, but won't eat.

Is there anything else I should be doing, or anything else I shouldn't be doing? Should I attempt to force feed him? Is neosporin safe for frogs?

Thank you so much in advance. I hope the little guy makes it.