Hi I have 11 tree frogs a mix of 3 species. Reciently my juvenile magnificent tree frogs started to get a pile of cuts and scratches on them, one has a bit mark on its head frog another one, another has scratches from jumping into the top of the tank and another today got a whole bunch of a scratches and cuts on its back from I don't know what and am still looking for.

Now with my older frogs when they got scratchs and cuts and people toldme not to worry about it it will all heal up but to put something like betadine on to help. Never once with my 11 frogs has any cut healed they have all scared and slowly fade. Im looking for something to use on recent cuts and scratches that will actually stop scaring and help it heal. Something that I also done have to take them to a vet to get just for them to freak out on the way there and cut them selves more.
