Hey guys!

Here i am looking for advice once more..

So my grumpy, yet loved to pieces, Giggs (WTF) will not eat his food when it's dusted... Grrrr. Here's what I've tried so far...

-Mix the powder with my crickets food so some gets ingested by them... Doesn't seem enough tho?

-Skipped an extra day to make sure he was VERY hungry thinking he'll eat no matter what.. Failure...

-Tongue feed him... Failure number two...

-Only gave him his favorite insects... Failure number three...

-And last.. feed him half on them dusted and half non dusted.. Failure number.. Little s*** only eats the non dusted ones!! Lol

Last night was his feed night, and found the dusted ones untouched other than one worm that looked like it got ingested and puked out.. was mix in some skin shed and stuff....

Note.. he does eat VERY WELL when not dusted....

Any tricks anyone?

FYI... I am NOT going to force feed him unless its a life threatening situation! Hes grumpy enough and really unecessary as he eatswell otherwise...

