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Thread: Pacific Chorus Frogs - Male or Female?

  1. #1

    Default Pacific Chorus Frogs - Male or Female?

    My little froggies are growing fast. But I'm still not sure the sex of two of my four Pacific Chorus Frogs.

    I was able to get close enough to take a picture of the throat of one in question. Has a creamy neck but looks to have a bit of a pouch, so not sure if male or female. Can you take an educated guess?
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  3. #2

    Default Re: Pacific Chorus Frogs - Male or Female?

    Beautiful little frog. However, the throat looks nothing like Yoki's....I would lean towards girl. Paul will be able to definitely confirm, but that is my vote.

  4. #3
    Paul Rust

    Default Re: Pacific Chorus Frogs - Male or Female?

    Sure Jo, put me on the spot.
    Female Lesley. The vocal sac is further forward directly under the mouth in this species, and very dark.

  5. #4

    Default Re: Pacific Chorus Frogs - Male or Female?

    Thanks guys! Ok. Now I know 3 out of 4 are girls. Just need to confirm Hilo now. If only Hilo would cooperate and let me take a pic of his/her neck.

  6. #5
    Kara Bellamy

    Default Re: Pacific Chorus Frogs - Male or Female?

    Lol perhaps I could trouble you to gender Leo ? I think is a girl but unshure, if I put up a pic?

  7. #6
    100+ Post Member Gnag the nameless's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pacific Chorus Frogs - Male or Female?

    I definitely think it's a girl. Males have darker throats. Either way, your frog is beautiful

    For example, here is my young male Thermidor. In this shot we can see his throat clearly:
    Name:  DSCF2964.jpg
Views: 337
Size:  68.4 KB

    Also, males will produce a call, sounding like "KRECK!" or "KRECK-ECK!" It's great to listen to
    My Amphibians:
    1.0.0 Rana Catesbiana (Bumpy Digtoad )
    1.0.0 Pseudacris Regilla (Levi )
    1.1.0 Ambystoma Macrodactylum (Urtham and Gargan )
    2.2.0 Bombina Orientalis ( Rosa, Sasha, Aleksis, and Dimitri )

    Rest in Peace, Gnag the Nameless, Chrome, and Thermidor

  8. #7
    Kara Bellamy

    Default Re: Pacific Chorus Frogs - Male or Female?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gnag the nameless View Post
    I definitely think it's a girl. Males have darker throats. Either way, your frog is beautiful

    For example, here is my young male Thermidor. In this shot we can see his throat clearly:
    Name:  DSCF2964.jpg
Views: 337
Size:  68.4 KB

    Also, males will produce a call, sounding like "KRECK!" or "KRECK-ECK!" It's great to listen to

    So you looked thru my photobucket at Leo ?

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