After a week of having one of my red eyed tree frogs she died last night and I'm not sure why. I've had red eyed tree frogs before and they lived a few years, but it has been a while so maybe I'm doing something wrong. Here is the set-up:
-18" x 18" x 24" tank
-Eco Earth Coconut Fiber substrate
-Fed crickets with calcium powder which I keep in a glass bowl to be sure they don't swallow the substrate
-Water changed daily (bottled water)
-Temperature stays around 75 during the day and 70 at night
-Humidity 60 to 70%
-Three sides of the glass tank are covered since they are new

I had noticed that lately she had been a very dark green color. Could that be from stress? My other frog seems to be doing just fine, but I want to make sure I have everything set up correctly so he doesn't die as well. Thank you