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Thread: Enriching tank for my ADFs + plus adding fish to established tank +feeding question (sorry!)

  1. #1

    Default Enriching tank for my ADFs + plus adding fish to established tank +feeding question (sorry!)

    Hello! I have some general questions...

    I have four ADFs in a 10 gallon tank (heated and filtered, of course, with plenty of live plants). I've had them for over year now with no problems whatsoever, but I'd like to make some changes and I want to be careful not to upset the frogs or throw off the balance of the tank.

    My first concern is feeding. Thus far I've only been using frozen bloodworms. Would it be a good idea health wise to vary their diet (and if so, what would be best to add and how slowly should I introduce it?) Or is eating only one kind of food without variation okay?

    Because my tank has a sand substrate, I've always fed my frogs by hand so they don't ingest any of it. It also allows me to control what each frog eats and keeps them from fighting (and all four have been great eaters from the start!). However, I'll be going on vacation next month and leaving them in someone else's care and I think it would be easier if they ate from a bowl or plate. Would something sold for hermit crabs or lizards work? Stupid questions, but how do you stop the bloodworms from just drifting off the plate and how do you keep the frogs from mistakenly trying to grab each other when they lunge for the food?

    In terms of behavior, three of my frogs (I believe two males and a female) can almost always be found together. The last frog (I believe a female) is almost always off by herself and seems to hide a lot. The tank has a ton of live plants and plenty of hiding spaces, but does this behavior means she's not happy? She comes to my hand at feeding time, but does seem more skittish the the rest and will sometimes jump off when I know she hasn't eaten enough. Should I maybe consider giving her an individual tank? I haven't actively seen the other frogs bothering her.

    Okay, last question...I've been considered adding some other kind of critter to the tank. I know frogs don't like active fish, so I want something sedate that won't spook them (and of course I don't want anything that would even *think* of nibbling on my gang.) I thought maybe some dwarf cory cats, but should I go for something that isn't a ground feeder, since that's where the frogs spend much of their time? I was also thinking maybe a mystery snail, but I've heard they add a lot of bioload and need a different temp range to really thrive. My last thought was guppies because I do like them, but I have had aggressive guppies in the past and mine were always pretty active. Or should I forget fish and just go with some shrimp? Also, will it be more difficult to add anything new since the frogs have had the tank to themselves for a year, as opposed to adding other critters alongside the frogs when the tank is first established? I mean will it be more upsetting to them because it's 'their' territory?

    So sorry for the novel of a question! My frog tank previously belonged to a betta who lived to be over six years old, and I attribute that to talking to a lot of folks and following good advice. I really enjoy my froggie gang and want to do my best by them.

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    Default Re: Enriching tank for my ADFs + plus adding fish to established tank +feeding question (sorry!)

    Hello and welcome to FF! Yes, it's good to vary their diet. Frozen Daphnia, live blackworms, etc. (nothing freeze dried) should be OK. You can use a small feeding plate that will sink to bottom. Depending on how strong filter current is; it could push the worms out of dish. I would not worry about one grabbing another's foot while eating. It's something that just can't be prevented; not that it's common either.

    Myself would keep all frogs together; do watch the shy one get's some food if feeding off plate. Would not add anything to an established well balanced tank; specially now that you plan some travel .
    Remember to take care of the enclosure and it will take care of your frog !​

  4. #3

    Default Re: Enriching tank for my ADFs + plus adding fish to established tank +feeding question (sorry!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mentat View Post
    Hello and welcome to FF! Yes, it's good to vary their diet. Frozen Daphnia, live blackworms, etc. (nothing freeze dried) should be OK. You can use a small feeding plate that will sink to bottom. Depending on how strong filter current is; it could push the worms out of dish. I would not worry about one grabbing another's foot while eating. It's something that just can't be prevented; not that it's common either.

    Myself would keep all frogs together; do watch the shy one get's some food if feeding off plate. Would not add anything to an established well balanced tank; specially now that you plan some travel .

    Oh, I certainly wouldn't add anything until I'm returned! Would you still say it isn't worth the risk with that new information? I was thinking that shrimp would help clean up any stray food if I'm going to switch to feeding them from a plate long term, and they seem like the least likely to cause any problems for the frogs. In terms of current, I do have a foam block in front of the outlet to soften the flow, but I think just the frogs lunging at the food will probably knock some off the dish.

    Thank you for your help!

  5. #4

    Default Re: Enriching tank for my ADFs + plus adding fish to established tank +feeding question (sorry!)

    A few Ghost Shrimp might be a good addition. They are good little cleaners and don't seem to be aggressive at all. I have a bunch in my kids 10 gallon tank with some neons and glo tetras. I've never seen them bother the fish unless you consider riding on the snail a problem. There was a dozen shrimp in my ACF tank a month ago but there have been casualties as expected. I think 5 or 6 have avoided becoming dinner.

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