Back in Marchish I bought a culture of Ispods. They cold winter nearly killed them all in shipping. I think I had 5 - 8 left alive in the culture. I put them in a bin with my Springtails. The springtail bin was some used ABG mix from my Red eye tank. I was working on breeding them in there along with the springs when the whole sulture got over run by these little black bugs.. So I moved the tub into the corner of the frog room and forgot about it. I figured the Black bugs and everything could die off in the tub and then I would repurpose the soil and start another isopod and spring culture. There the tub set (i forgot all about it). It had pieces of wood and egg crate stacked on it. I was downstairs on Monday cleaning things up from my latest build (which always seem to cause such a mess lol) and saw the tub. I opened it and poked around in the soil and didn't see a single living thing.

I don't know why but I decided to pick my way through the soil to see if any of the black bugs survived. Instead i started to find Isopods and lots of them. I spent nearly 4 hours picking through the soil. Each time i finished I would start back over again and find even more. I found a handful of babies (a little bigger than a springtail). I decided to call it good on the hand searching and instead set out some food on a leaf to lure them up to the surface so I could move them easier.

Anyways thought I would share the story of the survival of the is pod culture and this pic of what I had found halfway through my digging. Time to seed some tanks with Isopods!