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Thread: Any dartfrogs in canada?

  1. #1

    Default Any dartfrogs in canada?

    hey, i've been lookin everywhere for darts frogs in canada but can never find any! if anyone knows where to get them or a place that ships to canada it will be very helpfull. Thanks

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  3. #2

    Default Re: Any dartfrogs in canada?

    Understory Enterprises is in Canada.

  4. #3

    Default Re: Any dartfrogs in canada?

    I'm not sure where in Canada you are, but in B.C., a new law was passed that states exotic pet owners may be required to obtain and pay for a permit for certain animals. Last time I checked the list, there were two or three dart frogs on there. I'm not sure if any other provinces have similar laws, but it would be worth looking into before purchasing. I hear the fines can be hefty.
    Last edited by Jace; June 1st, 2010 at 03:51 AM. Reason: Looked up some information.

  5. #4

    Default Re: Any dartfrogs in canada?

    I does say i need a permit so would it be alright if i had a pet store with a permit order me in some?

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