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Hello all!
I was astonished to read an article about how the Pacific Chorus frogs are getting re-established in San Francisco. I am very interested in helping them to do just that in my yard here in the city. If anyone knows how to help me achieve this, please chirp in.
Hello and welcome. A care article has been submitted and is being considered for inclusion on this site. maybe we will see it in the near future. Please complete your profile by selecting your national colors.
I was born and raised in San Francisco, I also read this article. I lived on the 700 block of Athens St and in the backyards there was and still is a colony of Pacific Chorus frogs that have been there since the 1960's. They would croak when it rained I remember as a kid. You can still hear them there to this day. I was surprised the article didnt mention the frogs that live there.
My PCF should be breeding here in about 2-3 months.
Hey man, please tell me that means as they emerge you will give me a chance at at having a few!
In my indoor tank have brought some northern leopards fully to frogs from tadpoles.
I'd love a chance with the PCF's.
Yea sure ill give you all of the tadpoles if you wish. They are easy to raise. Out of about 200 tadpoles you should be able to get about 75 or so to turn into froggies.....I would release them ASAP so they can learn to hunt on their own. Id keep about 12, out of those 2-3 will be males. I hope you dont get cats in the yard....they are take a heavy toll on the frogs.
What part of the city do you live?...I lived in the Excelsior, there was alot of Frogs,salamanders,Garter Snakes ect in my yard all the time.
I live in Ingleside, near 280 off Ocean.
The only cat that enters our yard is my own, he's 15 & at 13 he gave up on pursuing anything live.
Which means I have to catch & release mice whenever we get one.
(I hate killing).
I've had a lot of salamanders, which I've never seen before moving here, but that's it.
Please keep me updated, I'm glad to know you.
Are the salamanders those long skinny brownish ones with very short little legs?....Those used to creep me out hahaha...used to be hundreds in my yard all the time. Used to see lots of Garter snakes and every once in awhile a short dark snake with a yellow ring around the neck. At McClaren Park a block away there were alot ofKing snakes, blue belly lizzards and Alligator lizards....they used to bite real hard..... And like I said, plenty of frogs in the thick bushes.
Question: DO any of your Leapard frogs croak yet?....... my PCF males started to croak recently and they are only about 5 months old.
If you would like a group I am giving mine away, you may have them for the cost of shipping. I believe I have 11 adults and 3 froglets.
No they are only a couple of weeks old & are surprized they can breathe air. No croaking. & yes the salamanders are copper colored & they are precious! I find one whenever I move a plant pot it seems. PIck em up & deliver them to a shady spot where I'm not moving things around.
Hey man,
I'm just checkin in with you.
How'd those PCF's progress?
My Leopards are doing fine.
I collect about 20 slugs fron the garden every few nights to suplliment their store-bought diets. They are loving life with all that escargot! Still no chirping though only about 2 months old.
My PCF's are doing very well. Hey thats a good idea to feed them slugs from outside, ill gather some up today, ive got millions in my yard. I have 7 frogs left, 5 females 2 males.....Im going to release 3 females in my little pond in my yard. Theres a male i hear sometimes croaking outside in the yard so i hopefully will get tadpoles this year.
Keep you posted :-)
Yes the slugs as a food source were my finding a silver lining in face of a wet year in which anything in the garden not destroyed by mildew, was eaten by creatures great & small!
To walk out there at night with a headlight & see hundreds crawling over my corn, my pumpkins, my tomatoes & peppers. it felt good to bring them to (though a perverted sense of it)...justice.
I failed to achieve my goal of using chickens as pest control this year, & don't want to use poisons in the garden.
Remember: USE NO SLUGGO OR OTHER POISONS IN YOUR YARD, or your frogs will be slipped the ultimate mickey when you feed them.
Keep me posted...I'm still wanting to get a population established outside as well.
I have only used Garden Safe snail/ killer that is safe for animals. It's a pellet that has Iron, when a snail or slug eats Iron it goes into a stupor and starves to death.I sprinkle this stuff and snails die by the tons and no birds /frogs ect are harmed...good stuff.
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