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Thread: Advice on building a terrarium please

  1. #1

    Default Advice on building a terrarium please

    hello all. i have a 20 gal tank(without a cover) that i want to convert into a home for some tree frogs i plan to get.someday in the near future.

    but i have no idea where to start.

    what items do i need to put on my list.

    i have a huge bag of peat moss.and an empty tank.

    so how do i get started.

    pics of the tank if needed can be made avail on sat.

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  3. #2
    Paul Rust

    Default Re: Advice on building a terrarium please

    For treefrogs you want height. I would start with a long to vertical conversion kit.

  4. #3

    Default Re: Advice on building a terrarium please

    Please capitalize the beginning of your sentences. Thanks

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