I'm a newbie of course, and need some ideas for a gray tree frog set up. I had two grays in a ten gallon tank set up with fake plants and thick branches to climb on, however, we just added another to the mix. I realize that this is not a good size tank so we bought an Exo Terra 18 x 18 x 24 terrarium for them, and now we just have to get it set up. I know they need lots of climbing space and plants. I bought a pathos plant a while back and replanted/washed it but have yet to put it in the tank. Should I leave it in a pot or plant it directly in the substrate (Eco Earth). I have a few fake plants already, would it be okay to do some live ones and some fake ones or should I do all live? If so how to I go about doing that? Also,I know my frogs hate the eco earth because it gets all over them when they hunt at night. Any suggestions? I heard leaf litter would be good, anything else? Should I use moss in the terrarium (what kind)? The humidity levels stay right with daily misting, and it helps we live where they are naturally found. I would really appreciate anyone who would share ideas/pictures of their setup!