So i'm new here and I see a lot of people saying mixing species with FBT's is very bad. I couldn't disagree more. I've had my FBT's for years. I have a 40 gallon aquarium two thirds filled with water, with various islands on top and two filters on both sides.

I've had several fish including pleco's, catfish, angel fish, etc that have lasted fine. Some I've had for 4 years now.

I also have one dwarf frog who lives in the water. He will come up to the shallow parts of the islands and hang out with the FBT's. I've had him for 2 years now.

My favorite though is mixing crabs (small crabs). The crabs actually climb on to the island and literally hang out with the FBT's. They ignore each other. I've had female fiddlers (never tried the males with their big claws tho) and red thai crabs. I just added 2 vampire crabs, and will see how those go.

I did have a small quarter sized turtle for several months, but as he got bigger he started eating the fish and I moved him to his own tank.

So I think the FBT toxin's are exaggerated. Or the fact that the tank stays very filtered perhaps keeps it safer.

Either way feel free to experiment, but anytime you try something new, I would recommend keeping a watchful eye just in case.