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Thread: Is This ADF Shedding?

  1. #1

    Default Is This ADF Shedding?

    I have 3 in a five gallon tank and saw something earlier that I want to confirm was shedding, because I've never seen it before. I walked in on what looked like a fight between my male and one of the females. He had her foot in this mouth and they were spinning around, looking pretty violent. When he let go I thought she might have been injured because there was a large chunk of white film hanging off of the foot that was previously in the other ones mouth. Then I noticed that the foot didn't actually look hurt and the male was eating more of the white film. Am I right in saying that he was just eating his shedding skin? Also, might the "attack" been because the female was also shedding and he thought the skin stuck to her foot looked like food?

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  3. #2

    Default Re: Is This ADF Shedding?


    it´s well possible that the frog tried to "help" with the shedding Sometimes they do this, but mostly the shedding frog eats the skin itself.
    Amphibians kept:
    9.10.3 Hymenochirus boettgeri
    2.4.0 Xenopus laevis
    0.1.0 Hypselotriton orientalis
    3.0.0 Hyloxalus azureiventris
    4.1.0 Pipa parva
    2.1.2 Bombina orientalis
    1.0.0 Ceratophrys cranwelli
    2.2.0 Bombina orientalis

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