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Thread: Looking for Phyllomedusa/Change for dartfrogs possible

  1. #1

    Default Looking for Phyllomedusa/Change for dartfrogs possible

    Hello at all!
    I am looking for the following frogs:

    *Phyllomedusa sauvagei
    *P. bicolor
    *P. vailantii
    *P. tetraploidea/iheringi

    *Litoria splendida

    I could swap for froglets of tinctorius too:

    (at the moment)

    in a few month:

    *la fumeč

    Does anybody can help me?
    Here in germany it is very difficult to find some

    I wrote to Michael from Rainforest Junkies, too, but i ever get an answer with,, mail dilivery failed"

    best regards

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  3. #2
    Founder John's Avatar
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    Default Re: Looking for Phyllomedusa/Change for dartfrogs possible

    Posted in the wrong section. Moved.

    Tobi you should be aware that sending frogs to Germany or from Germany will require import/export permits, veterinary inspections and this all costs serious money.
    Founder of (2008) and (2001)

  4. #3

    Default Re: Looking for Phyllomedusa/Change for dartfrogs possible

    Oh, iam sorry John.
    I didn`t found the right section to post this thread.

    Yes, i know it is expensive. But I think there must be somebody who export different frogs to netherlands. It woun`t be a problem to take them from there

    Maybe somebody has an idea or maybe someone will come to the terraristika fair to germany?!


  5. #4

    Default Re: Looking for Phyllomedusa/Change for dartfrogs possible

    Gutes Glück, bin ich traurig, dass ich Ihnen nicht helfen kann.

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