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Thread: Feed only phoenix worms to Citronella?

  1. #1

    Default Feed only phoenix worms to Citronella?

    Hello all,
    I'm a newbie here. I have been contemplating keeping some Dendrobates Tinctorius 'Citronella' and finally decide to start doing the research. I am planning to start with some froglets, so the problem is can I only feed them small phoenix worms? I will surely add supplements periodically. Admittedly, I have never seen a real baby Citronella, except pictures online. I am wondering if the smallest phoenix worms are still too big for them to ingest. I know fruit flies and springtails may be the better food for PDFs. I am just kinda lazy because I can keep phoenix worms for months in a wine cooler without much labor. It seems not economical to start a fruit fly colony for only 3-4 froglets.
    It's just the first question on my way to PDFs. Any comment/suggestion will be greatly appreciated!


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    100+ Post Member kueluck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Feed only phoenix worms to Citronella?

    I fed phoenix worms to my toads and some came out whole and still alive!! You need to take a needle and poke them before you feed them to your frog. I recv'd an email from the supplier for this problem. They said most people feed these to lizards which chew them so there isn't a problem, but with amphibians they say to pierce them first before feeding. Just thought I would pass this on.

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