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Thread: Waterfall?

  1. #1

    Default Waterfall?

    hey i was thinking of setting up a vivarium but i had one question about the making the waterfall.... other then the false bottom can you drill out the bottom and have the water be fed to the tank almost like a sump. i have drlled tanks before ssoo im not worryed about drilling it i just thought it would look a little better with a filter on the bottom and all the water being fed from the bottom... any ideas?

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  3. #2
    Moderator DonLisk's Avatar
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    Default Re: Waterfall?

    No problem doing and its all more related to experience with doing this type of pump and filter system.

    Now, there are some things to consider with creating any water feature with frogs. Depending on the species will change what happens to the water and how fast the filter element or screens will clog and require cleaning or changing.

    An example is that Dart Frogs will not cause any deterioration of the water where as a Whites Tree frog will trash the water nightly.
    1.0.0 Red Eyed Leaf/ Frog - Agalychnis callidryas
    1.1.1 Bumblebee Dart Frog - Dendrobates leucomelas
    1.1.0 Dendrobates truncatus - Yellow Striped
    1.1.1 Dendrobates tinctorius – Bakhuis Mountain
    1.1.0 - Dendrobates tinctorius - Powder Blue
    1.1.0 - Ranitomeya vanzolinii

  4. #3

    Default Re: Waterfall?

    i was thinking of just doing a small stream on one side of the tank flowing into a small pool and from the pool it would filter down and back around. also i am most likely going to get one of the larger frogs preferably a waxy monkey but if not probably just a whites

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