I really want to DO something with this TetraFauna Viquarium. It's kind of sitting here looking lonely because I bought it on sale on a whim. If I threw it in a 20 Tall and set it up all nice with a couple inches of water and a lot of branches/etc everwhere (and a trimmed Horsetail Reed plant in the actual water part) would three RETFs have enough space? My worry is the height, but conversely it also offers a pretty cool new environment for them. I was thinking if height is the issue, I could construct an aquarium topper (like the 10 gal ones for hamsters) and go up another foot or so. Thoughts? Is my spontaneous buy doomed to be forever alone?
It would actually be better suited for firebelly toads.
See, a nice solution... more frogs :-)
1.0.0 Red Eyed Leaf/ Frog - Agalychnis callidryas
1.1.1 Bumblebee Dart Frog - Dendrobates leucomelas
1.1.0 Dendrobates truncatus - Yellow Striped
1.1.1 Dendrobates tinctorius – Bakhuis Mountain
1.1.0 - Dendrobates tinctorius - Powder Blue
1.1.0 - Ranitomeya vanzolinii
Do you have any pictures?
https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10203589094112277&id=1363241107&set =a.1434844115446.2055312.1363241107&source=11&ref= bookmark
I do have a picture of the whole tank set up. I put it together today (red eyes not included) and figured I'd see what kind of frogs/etc I can keep in there while the whole things runs for awhile. Firebelly toads were mentioned, I also read some people keep newts!
I turned the red lamp on for light because it's in the same room as the Red Eyes and they were already up doing their frog thing. I'll get some clearer pics in the morning/when I decide what to put in it! I've had three people ask me what the point of the viquaria was already, if I was just going to cover it with plants and logs, but I think it looks really cool when you find it through the leaves (although this is a pretty bad angle for seeing very much of it).
Your set up is more terrestrial then arboreal. I don't think this is a good tree frog setup.
It's not supposed to be for tree frogs now, the first couple comments cleared that up. I was thinking of putting some kind of salamander in it. I guess this isn't really a tree frog thread anymore though.
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