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Thread: Adult Female Pyxie Still Acting Weird

  1. #1

    Default Adult Female Pyxie Still Acting Weird

    My pyxie is still acting weird...

    She's been at a steady 78-85 degrees, and she still doesn't want anything to do with food...She also just seems to be very inactive. I use a red heat light to keep her heated, and have a compact fluorescent light mounted in my closet to create some artificial sunlight. She's just seems very there something I'm doing wrong. Here's a pic.

    ^ Her eyes are what I'm referring to when I say "inactive." I'm aware they're fat frogs that rarely move. But her alertness isn't up to snuff...

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  3. #2
    100+ Post Member Jimifrog's Avatar
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    Default Re: Adult Female Pyxie Still Acting Weird

    Have you seen her poop lately? A couple of my pixies got real lethargic and didn't want to have anything to with food when they were impacted and hadn't pooped in awhile. One threw up a stomach full of food, while the other had a larger piece of coco fiber/bark that it had to pass. I can't tell from the photos, but is her water dish large enough for her to go to the bathroom in?

  4. This member thanks Jimifrog for this post:

  5. #3

    Default Re: Adult Female Pyxie Still Acting Weird

    I don't think she's able to get into that water bowl, try to find a food container tupperware that fits into your sterilite with the right dimensions. Make sure it's easy to access. You could try soaking her in a tepid water bath with Pedialyte (Electrolyte solution) for a few minutes if she seems real lethargic. Your temps and humidity are good, lighting good.

    Her eyes might of clouded over like that if she is about to shed, or she might of developed an eye infection it might be time to go to a vet. I know we have already mentioned stress previously, but it seems like she is mostly stressed out and trying to acclimate. How long has it been since you moved her in there again? Is there a lot of movement, distractions, loud noise, around her enclosure? Have you ever seen her get into her water bowl? They often relieve themselves in their if it's accessible.

    Try soaking her in a warm water bath for awhile while you clean her terrarium up if it's messy, get a different bowl, and maybe a few artificial plants or hides for cover to feel secure. If there's too much human exposure she might find it comforting to go hide under there for awhile. When you do get her to eat, try a softer diet for awhile - earthworms (night crawlers).

  6. This member thanks Sublime for this post:

  7. #4

    Default Re: Adult Female Pyxie Still Acting Weird

    Thanks for your responses!

    I also was thinking about the water bowl last night as I was laying in bed. I forgot that these guys will utilize the water dish if big enough to go to the bathroom in. I've had her for about 3 weeks. In that time she has consumed 1 horned worm, and maybe like 4 night crawlers. I haven't seen any excrement at all in her tank. And her eyes are fine, she seemed a little more alert once it was late. She just keeps her eyes shut during the day it seems. I checked on her around 12:30am and she seemed alert, so I tried offering a night crawler but nothing. She's in my bedroom at the moment. She was was out in the open, and I wondered if maybe she didn't feel secure so I moved her to my closet. I keep the door closed so there's nothing that can throw her off. I have a couple of tanks that I could use that would probably be more appropriate for a larger water dish. I have a 29 gallon, and a 20 gallon long. I'm going to see if I can make it work in what she's in now first. Let me know if you guys got any other tips, I'll get on the water issue asap!

  8. #5

    Default Re: Adult Female Pyxie Still Acting Weird

    Got some more information!

    I just got done making a water dish for her, and I figured I'd wake her up and put her in it to see if I can stimulate her bowels. When I was digging her up, I discovered she was in fact in the middle of a shed. There was a chunk of skin that was hanging on her back so I peeled it off. She's sooo bright now it seems! She's still sitting in her dish, so I think she's liking it. Fingers crossed for a big ol' frog turd soon! I was also wondering, is there any kind of tips to help the shedding process along? Or can they do it by themselves regardless of conditions?

  9. #6

    Default Re: Adult Female Pyxie Still Acting Weird

    Thats more like it. She needs that size so she can go in and out with ease. Dont forget to change the water evrey do or so.

  10. #7

    Default Re: Adult Female Pyxie Still Acting Weird

    Yeah, I don't know why I didn't clue in on that quicker...

    But, when they are shedding should I provide certain conditions? I know when my ball pythons are shedding I need to up the humidity, is that the same with these guys? And will it effect their appetite?

  11. #8

    Default Re: Adult Female Pyxie Still Acting Weird

    It looks good now. That's a big size water dish for her now, just keep the conditions the same when she is shedding. She will do it on her own, it shouldn't affect their appetite... They shed frequently, provided that the temperatures are right and humidity is up.

    Just fill the water dish with luke warm water everyday and dechlorinate it, she should feel the need to poop in there if she wants.
    Last edited by Sublime; October 6th, 2011 at 02:42 PM. Reason: Haha accidently copied the same first sentence George used.

  12. #9

    Default Re: Adult Female Pyxie Still Acting Weird

    Quote Originally Posted by Sublime View Post
    It looks good now. That's a big size water dish for her now, just keep the conditions the same when she is shedding. She will do it on her own, it shouldn't affect their appetite... They shed frequently, provided that the temperatures are right and humidity is up.

    Just fill the water dish with luke warm water everyday and dechlorinate it, she should feel the need to poop in there if she wants.

    I always run a warm bath for my critters that are shedding, or need to poop. but with a frog you would need to treat the bath water so remember that.

    I use my infrared temp gun, and take readings of the water. a few degrees hotter then your goal temperature to compensate for the tub soaking up some heat/cooling down the water, give them about 20min in there, and its always worked for me like a charm. Warm baths are great for reptiles.

    also don't freak out if you see her eating her own shead skin, this is normal. As with other reptiles..... don't peel off the shead skin, you can damage them.

  13. #10

    Default Re: Adult Female Pyxie Still Acting Weird

    @Monster, yeah I agree with you. Don't disturb or interfere with them when they're in the process of shedding. Let nature run its course without being disturbed or potentially damaging fresh skin unless you're real delicate.

  14. #11

    Default Re: Adult Female Pyxie Still Acting Weird

    Alright, I won't mess with her next time. The piece that I took off came right off without any kind of struggle. I don't think her fat $%$ could reach up there on her back haha! I wasn't even connected to her really, just stuck up on her back.

    More questions: Is it possible she's not into worms? I want to keep her on a healthy diet of insects. I want to get roaches, but don't know what I'm ordering for her. Do I need to make sure that they are adult roaches? If you guys know of any other option let me know as well. And she always seems like shes puffed up like a balloon lol, is this normal?

  15. #12

    Default Re: Adult Female Pyxie Still Acting Weird

    Quote Originally Posted by dsmalex97 View Post
    Alright, I won't mess with her next time. The piece that I took off came right off without any kind of struggle. I don't think her fat $%$ could reach up there on her back haha! I wasn't even connected to her really, just stuck up on her back.

    More questions: Is it possible she's not into worms? I want to keep her on a healthy diet of insects. I want to get roaches, but don't know what I'm ordering for her. Do I need to make sure that they are adult roaches? If you guys know of any other option let me know as well. And she always seems like shes puffed up like a balloon lol, is this normal?

    they puff up to make themselves look bigger/more intimidating.

    the size of your pyxie, you can feed adult roaches no problem. Ebay seems to have the best prices, just google "dubia" and then do the math yourself for best price vs numbers your receiving.

  16. #13

    Default Re: Adult Female Pyxie Still Acting Weird

    I know that, but she seems to always have a balloon type appearance lol. I guess this is just how they look. I just hope she's not all gassy and blocked up. I got her soaking in some lukewarm water now.

  17. #14

    Default Re: Adult Female Pyxie Still Acting Weird

    @dsm They can become not interested in certain foods for awhile. Just try them again in a week. As for ordering roaches, are you talking about just buying them to feed her, or breed them and then feed her? Either way, only size that's going to catch her attention are the adults. She'll just lose interest in the little nymphs. For dietary staples right now that I feed are: Adult crickets and night crawlers - until I get the Dubia colony going I will replace that with crickets for a staple.

    They actually scrounge up their body and use their upper forearms to push the skin forward opening their mouth while doing this. She'll eat the skin. Being puffed up like a balloon could indicate that she's bloated and needs to get rid of waste soon before it could be detrimental... These frogs do carry that appearance for people who say they're fat *****, that's just the way their physique is. Other than that just make sure the temperatures are on the high side with lukewarm water in her water dish. That way you know her digestive track is working and she can go into the water dish to get rid of waste.

    Adults don't poop everyday, so don't expect to see anything after they eat. Did she defecate in the warm water bath you soaked her in yet?

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