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Baby Pacman Frog NOT EATING

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Hello i've recently got a baby albino pacman frog. He is said to be about 6 months old but looks a little small. he hasnt been eating and when i try to feed him by tongs he just backs away and burrows. its been about a week that hes done this. today i gave him a bath and noticed a bunch of loose floating skin in the water so i peeled it off thinking it could be stuck shed. he also hasnt pooped once yet. im getting really worried about him. anybody please help
thank you.
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  1. jasonm96's Avatar
    Sounds like the frog has been trying to aestivate and then humidity got corrected, so shed the cocoon. It may take a while for the frog to adjust and they can go a week or so without pooping and when they do go it can be hard to find as sometimes the burrow it in the substrate when digging. Could you answer the following to make sure everything's right -

    1. Size of enclosure?

    2. # of inhabitants - specifically other frogs and size differences?

    3. Humidity?

    4. Temperature?

    5. Water - type - for both misting and soaking dish?

    6. Materials used for substrate?

    7. Enclosure set up i.e. plants (live or artificial), wood, bark and other materials. - How were things prepared prior to being put into the viv?

    8. Main food source?

    9. Vitamins and calcium? (how often?)

    10. Lighting?

    11. What is being used to maintain the temperature of the enclosure?

    12. When is the last time he/she ate?

    13. Have you found poop lately?

    14. A pic would be helpful including frog and enclosure (any including cell phone pic is fine)

    15. Describe frog's symptoms and/or recent physical changes; to include it's ventral/belly area.

    16. How old is the frog?

    17. How long have you owned him/her?

    18. Is the frog wild caught or captive bred?

    19. Frog food- how often and if it is diverse, what other feeders are used as treats?

    20. How often the frog is handled?

    21. Is the enclosure kept in a high or low traffic area?

    22. Describe enclosure maintenance (water changes, cleaning, etc)
  2. BillyBobJoe88's Avatar
    he's in a large critter keep
    substrate is eco earth
    i use pure water with no chlorine
    main food source is crickets
    no poop found
    doesn't look like he's eaten
    and its been more then a week since ive gotten him
    hes captive breed
    only held like 2-3 times
  3. BillyBobJoe88's Avatar
    and i use a moon light bulb about 40wats for heat
  4. jasonm96's Avatar
    not much info, can you please provide more, copy and paste the questions and then fill in the answer. that will be fine for a baby but juvenile, not so much. it would be better always starting off with a 10 gallon glass tank. eco earth is perfect, you want to keep it moist enough that you can clump it in your hand but not so much that it's marshy. in most cases it's best to de-chlorinate tap water. be sure to gut load and supplement them with something like repashy calcium plus. a varied diet is a must with these guys as they feed on a lot on the wild, mostly frogs. using a heat lamp with a plastic tank is not a good idea. try not to hold him, you've held him 3 times but why? you should only touch the frog when you need to, as if you're cleaning the tank, which should be about every 2 weeks - frogs are look but don't touch pets.


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