I have had a few threads on here about all the stuff I'm thinking of using for this. I have decided to just use a regular 75 gallon (since Amazon raised the price about $250 for the previous enclosure I was going to get) for a western PA style Vivarium for a pair of American Toads and
Northern Leopard Frogs. I will be posting to this thread as more begins to unfold. As for now, I just purchased the zoo med 100 watt ceramic heater. I'm hoping this will provide a warm side to the tank and leave a cooler side as well. I am also hoping that this will be the primary, if not only heat source that can be used over the winter. I am basically sold on the plants to use for this. Dragon's Tail Ferns, Bamboo, Myrtle (periwinkle) Ribbon Grass, Duckweed, Leaf Litter, and Moss. I will be using 48" T5 Quad High Output Light Fixture with Timer for lighting. I'm not sure what I want to do for a water feature. Open for Suggestions. I also hope to breed them. It's not my first intention but, with the ideal setup I am really hoping for it. The humidity will be kept in check by my Monsoon RS400 misting system, which I will be getting the extender so the enclosure gets double the misting. I'm also looking into the Reptifogger as a secondary for humidity. (It looks cool in my Whites Tree Frog setup)