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A froggy story from the past...

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Quote Originally Posted by Lady View Post
I never met my Brother In Law's mother because she died while he was still in high school, but he tells a story about her as a child that I would like to share.

Back in the early part of the 20th century San Fransisco experienced a frog boom one year. See there was a little girl named Eva who was the child of Italian immigrants. Eva's father made wine and it was the practice at the time to keep empty aging barrels full of water so they would not dry out. One day in a near by stream little Eva found these interesting little fishies and decided to put as many as she could find in her father's aging barrels so she could keep them as pets. Now in these barrels the fishies were protected from their natural predators and as Eva fed them they started to grow legs. When they all got big enough they hopped out of the barrels and low and behold Eva's neighborhood was over run by frogs.

This is part of why you should leave tadpoles alone in the wild. You might throw the local ecosystem out of whack.




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