Red Eyed Tree Frogs - Day 5
, June 22nd, 2014 at 09:18 PM (1568 Views)
My kids have yet to find out that there are some adorable little retfs in the house. I'm hoping to keep it that way until 2 weeks at least.
Nicknaming them Lo (little one) and Bg (big guy) for now. Lo appears to have eaten last night. There is definitely a bit of belly on him this morning that wasn't there before. I may decide to do some ssd on the nose rub. Lo's seems to be a touch worse and I do not want it to get infected. I will take some pictures in the morning and get opinions on here. It may just be me overreacting.
Both of them were awake and active. I woke up at 2 am and peeked in to see them both sitting on the edge of the feeding bowl. I'm going to throw two mealworms in there tonight to see if they get eaten.